Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Nacho Casserole & Fiesta Rice

So this afternoon, my sweet friend, neighbor and fellow blogger, Rebecca at A Dash of Thyme, came over and spent the afternoon with me and helped me give my blog a face lift. We let our kiddos run wild around my house and chatted and worked on my blog. She has had a food blog for a while and has a beautiful website with lots of great recipes!
I took this recipe from Rebecca's site (with her permission of course) It was very yummy :) Of course I altered it a bit to make it lighter, enjoy!

1 lb extra lean ground beef
1 can fat free refried beans        
1 cup fresh salsa ( I love La Mexicana, in the produce section at Publix, 0 points!)
1 onion diced
1 teaspoon cumin
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 teaspoon garlic season (I use Garlic Garlic from Tastefully Simple)
1 cup shredded Mexican cheese

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Brown ground beef and add the onion and cook until the onion is translucent add spices at this point and taste the ground beef mixture to ensure flavor. Spread refried beans in the bottom of a casserole dish, top with beef onion mixture, add salsa then sprinkle with cheese. Place in the oven for 20-30 minutes.  This is a yummy dinner but would also be delicious as a dip with chips or even put in a tortilla. My kids dipped tortilla chips and added sour cream and extra salsa.

Weight Watcher Friends: 1.25 cups is 6 points

Fiesta Rice

I love Trader Joes, I buy a lot of things there, one of the things I love is their frozen brown rice. It is fully cooked and ready to go, just pop it in the microwave for 3 mins and voila! It is ready!

1 pack Trader Joes brown rice
1/2 cup fresh salsa
1 T diced cilantro
1/2 lime juice and zest
salt and pepper

Cook rice for 2-3 mins, toss with the remaining ingredients and serve!

Weight Watcher Friends: This rice is quick, healthy and convenient but it is not low in points, the rice has 6 points. All the additional ingredients have 0 points so for a 1 cup serving it is 6 points.

Source: A Dash of Thyme


  1. Love this!! Great post and awesome picture!!

  2. where do you find fat-free refried beans???

  3. Kroger has their brand in a fat free version, I usually buy them there. Good luck!

  4. Tried this one, too...last week. My boys loved it and so did I. Thank you!
