Thursday, December 8, 2011

Crispy Peanut Butter Cups

I know this is shocking to most people who follow me, I NEVER post desserts, it's not that I don't eat sweets, I do, I promise but I try really hard not to make them for two reasons. First, I have no self control with sweets, if they are in my house, I eat them. I only buy sweets for my kids and husbands that I don't care about. And second, I don't like to cut corners/calories on sweets, I feel like it's really easy to make lower fat/calorie swaps in cooking but baking is more of a science and I don't want to mess it up!
I saw these on Pinterest and they looked so amazing I had to try them, at 9pm, I had to try them and OMG they are like a homemade Reese's Cup which is my favorite candy!
These are so easy to make it only takes about 10-12 minutes. This recipe can be doubled or tripled if you have a larger muffin tin, my mini muffin tin only makes 12 so I just made a few.

1/2 cup milk chocolate chips
2 T unsalted butter, room temp
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup powder sugar
1 t vanilla
3/4 cup Rice Krispies

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a mini muffin tin with non-stick spray. Sprinkle about 12-15 chocolate chips in each muffin cup and place in the oven for 3-5 minutes, careful not to burn them. Once they come out set aside.

In your mixer, cream the butter and peanut butter until smooth, about 2 minutes. Then add the powder sugar and the vanilla, mix until combined. Finally add the Rice Krispies and stir to combine.

Add about 1 T of the peanut butter mixture to the tops of the melted chocolate chips. Spray the back of a spoon with non-stick spray and press the peanut butter mixture down on top. Place in the fridge for about an hour. Store covered and in the fridge.

Weight Watcher Friends: These have 2.5 points each. They are small but really rich, enjoy!



  1. these were delicious

  2. I recently rejoined weight watchers and I love this blog the step by step instructions and the recipes keep my meal choices interesting and keep me from getting bored with the same food choices!
