Saturday, March 17, 2012

Puerto Rico

Sorry it's been a while since I've posted but I've been laying on this beach in Puerto Rico! (right between those two trees to be exact) That picture above is the view from our condo at the resort, Palmas Del Mar, in Humacao.  I am so blessed to have an amazing mom and aunt who find it so important to have a "girl trips"! Last week they took, me, my sister-in-law and my cousin to the beautiful island of Puerto Rico, we had a blast, we laughed, ate, drank, sailed, hiked, laughed, laid on the beach, drove on some crazy streets, gawked at some beautiful Puerto Rican men, shopped and oh did I mention that we laughed? We made some amazing memories that I will never forget! Here are just a few pictures from our trip, now that I am looking back at them I am sad I didn't bring my good camera, just had my little pocket camera and my cell phone to capture the moments.

Our Jeep we risked our lives in everyday! (Puerto Rico's roads are terrible and the drivers are crazy!)
View of the island we sailed to and snorkeled around right off the coast near Fajardo
Meg and I jumping off the boat into the water, so fun!

This was Brain, the "deckhand" on our boat, not sure if we looked more at the beautiful scenery or him!

Me, Meg and Alli on our way back from our most fun day on the catamaran
View from our hotel in San Juan
After our hike in the El Yunque Rain Forest

The streets of Old San Juan, beautiful and mysterious
Thanks Mom and Ellen, for a wonderful time!! I am so blessed!

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