Monday, September 10, 2012

Bok Choy

This is a favorite side dish in our house when we have Asian style dinners which are quite common around here lately. The only problem I find is getting fresh, crisp bok choy, they have it at the grocery store often, it's just usually wilted and a little floppy which I don't like. However I have asked the produce man at Publix and he has gone to the back and gotten me a fresher bunch. I almost always buy it when I see it looking good. It takes less than 5 minutes to prepare from start to finish and is loaded with nutrients! Honestly it is practically calorie free, I think it has 13 calories per serving and chock full of vitamins. If you want to read about it's health benefits, click here. I also love baby bok choy but have to go to a specialty grocery store for that so I hardly ever make it but you can always find regular bok choy at Publix or Kroger.

Bok Choy, 1 bunch
2 T soy sauce ( I use Tamari, gluten free)
1 T canola, oil

Clean and chop the bok choy. Heat a large skillet or wok to high heat, add oil. Then add the boy choy and saute for 2-3 minutes, add the soy sauce. Toss to combine and serve when it's hot and still crunchy.

This is not my picture, I just found it online, I didn't think to blog this until after I had already chopped mine, but it looked exactly like this :)

All chopped up and ready to cook!

Add the soy sauce..

Then enjoy! So easy and super scrumptious!

Weight Watcher Friends: This makes 4 half cup servings at 0 points! So enjoy!

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